Annual Update for Certified Energy Managers (CEM®) Training Program | ON-DEMAND
Recorded On: 10/18/2023
- Non-member - $1,550
- Member - $1,450

Course Information
1.4 CEU |
Non-Member | $1,550
AEE Member | $1,450
Course Description
This popular two-day program is designed to update current global Certified Energy Managers (CEM) on the most current energy-related trends, strategies, best practices, technologies, and regulations. If you are an existing CEM (Worldwide) who needs a refresher or a lapsed CEM who needs AEE credits to get re-certified, this course is a great place to start. This on-demand option allows the participant to review the videos and workbook on their own time and from anywhere they have an internet connection.
Who is the Annual CEM Update On-Demand Program for?
Any CEM, including energy managers, energy engineers, facility and business managers, industrial engineers, supply chain professionals, utility officials, consultants, contractors, financial officers, and energy service company professionals, who were unable to attend the live virtual event but still wish to become more aware of current trends and more effective at identifying and implementing the best energy management strategies.
Each participant will receive electronic access to the Annual Update for CEMs Training Manual and the on-demand recordings of the earlier virtual event for six months from the date of purchase.
Instructor Value
Only instructors with greater than 20 years experience in the industry teach this program. They present the latest global practices, strategies, and theories, while leading discussions in an open, interactive environment. In each topic covered, the instructors focus on the most useful and proven activities that are the most significant value to attendees.
Your instructors include:
- Eric A. Woodroof, Ph.D., CEM. PCF
- John R. Puskar, PE, CEM, CIEP
- Thomas Wenning, PE, CEM
- Steve Kromer
- Randy Hoff, Ph.D., CEM
- Alain Aoun, CEM
- Albert Williams, CEM, CMVP, CEA, REP, CIEP, CAP, BEP

Eric Woodroof
Dr. Eric Woodroof has trained thousands of professionals, who are now saving billions in avoided energy expenses and global pollution. He continually learns from working with these professionals, and he brings this collective knowledge back to his clients and students during his seminars and keynotes.
Dr. Woodroof has over 100 publications and also serves as Chairman of the Energy Management Professional Council. He has received Department of Energy Awards and is the youngest member ever inducted into two separate Hall of Fames related to Energy Engineering.

John Puskar
Mr. Puskar is a licensed professional engineer practicing in the energy world for over 40 years. He is a nationally recognized industrial energy expert. Mr. Puskar’s experiences in the industrial world have focused on fuels and combustion equipment. His knowledge and experiences include essential topics for the United States and its energy future, including being part of standards committees for LNG (liquified natural gas), fuel gas codes, boilers, industrial ovens and furnaces, and wastewater treatment plants. Mr. Puskar has performed over 200 energy audits in facilities ranging from refineries and chemical plants to steel plants, paper mills, and auto manufacturing facilities.
Mr. Puskar’s global experiences have provided a unique perspective of the role of energy in more than 20 countries. Mr. Puskar has authored natural gas policy documents for the State of Israel. Mr. Puskar has conducted energy and resource audits in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, and many others. He was invited to speak on energy-related topics at the 6th China Process Safety Symposium in Qingdao, China.
Mr. Puskar is an energy innovator. He has a patent for making ammonia process plants more efficient. His designs and projects, including replacing industrial coal plants with decentralized natural gas systems, have won numerous awards. The Association of Energy Engineers provided Mr. Puskar with their “Legends in Energy Award” in 2019 to recognize his lifetime of energy achievements. In 2014 the American Society of Mechanical Engineers provided him with their national Uzgiris-Barnett Award Medal for his lifetime of safety innovations in the energy world.
Mr. Puskar is an energy educator. He has developed the AEE (Association for Energy Engineers) and CIEP (Certified Industrial Energy Practitioner) certification courses. He has often delivered this course to iconic American companies and their staff, such as Goodyear. Mr. Puskar has trained thousands in energy conservation practices throughout the United States and other countries.
Mr. Puskar holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio, and a master's degree in business from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. In addition to these, Mr. Puskar is a Certified Energy Manager and a Certified Industrial Energy Practitioner. Mr. Puskar is also a licensed professional engineer in 6 states. Mr. Puskar has other energy-related credentials, such as being a certified infrared thermographer, demand-side management expert, and certified cogeneration professional.
Mr. Puskar's company he started and later sold after 30 years, “CEC Combustion Services,” provided industrial combustion systems retrofits throughout every significant industry operated in the modern world. He has been in and out of over 300 industrial facilities in 20 countries for this work. He holds contractor trade licenses for electrical, mechanical, refrigeration, hydronics, plumbing, boiler installation, and fire protection installation and servicing. Mr. Puskar can uniquely identify what is and is not practical in the “real world” of industry and manufacturing. Although a skilled engineer, Mr. Puskar's perspectives are not based on theory. Instead, his perspectives are also based on real-world projects, technology implementation, and execution, where he was directly accountable for results.
Mr. Puskar is a prolific author in the energy world. Wiley and Sons published his FUELS AND COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT SAFETY book in 2014. In addition to this, has authored more than 100 journal and magazine articles and has presented at more than 100 conferences and training workshops over the past 40 years. Mr. Puskar’s work has been published in many peer-reviewed publications and journals, including for ASME, NFPA, AEE, ASPE, and AIChE. Mr. Puskar shares his knowledge freely for the betterment of humanity and the engineering profession.

Thomas Wenning
Thomas Wenning is a program manager for industrial energy efficiency at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Mr. Wenning manages ORNL’s domestic and international industrial energy efficiency technology assistance and deployment activities. He supports the DOE’s Better Buildings, Better Plants and Better Climate Challenge programs by providing industrial sites with technical assistance activities, energy assessments and training, and energy management guidance. In addition, Mr. Wenning manages is leading the DOE’s effort to modernize their energy-system software tool suite and associated training resources. The chief of these is the open-source MEASUR and VERIFI software suites which is helping industry achieve millions of dollars in energy savings. Finally, Mr. Wenning has led numerous international industrial energy efficiency workshops, trainings, and assessments on behalf of the DOE.

Steve Kromer
Steve Kromer is an energy efficiency consultant, focusing on energy savings verification (Program Evaluation and M&V) and energy efficiency data management systems. Mr. Kromer holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech. He was a senior engineer at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (where he is currently a guest researcher) and a director at Enron Energy Services. Mr. Kromer currently consults internationally on M&V implementation and training.
Mr. Kromer’s focus is on the data, tools and processes to quantify the results of energy efficiency investments. Since the inception of the IPMVP, Mr. Kromer has maintained leadership positions within the IPMVP, EVO and AEE/CMVP committees and boards. He is committed to the vision of a world where the tools, resources and skills to perform M&V are standardized and ubiquitous.
Mr. Kromer seeks to fulfill that vision by remaining up to date on the latest developments in M&V and energy modeling. He teaches courses on M&V at all levels and serves on several current EVO committees and other industry working groups (ASHRAE 14, UMP, ANSI).
Mr. Kromer was on the original consulting team that assisted the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) when the state moved energy efficiency evaluation (EM&V) functions to that agency. He continued to consult to the CPUC as an advisor for almost 10 years. In that time Mr. Kromer originated the Engineering Working Group, the Uncertainty Working Group and the data management team that went on the create the current reporting tools.
Mr. Kromer recently contributed to the Department of Energy’s Open Efficiency Initiative where he focused on identifying and addressing barriers to the adoption of advanced energy modeling and analysis tools. Mr. Kromer applies his skills with energy modeling and data management to numerous other jobs, including a large new construction project on a California university campus, the development of an ESCO in the Middle East (World Bank).

Randy Hoff
As a Principal in Financial Markets and Real Estate, Randy is responsible for advisory services with a focus on occupiers and investors of real estate as they enhance their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy along with creating efficiencies in building operations and driving down operating costs. He uses technology, analytics, and consulting services to advise occupier and investor clients on environmental sustainability programs with tangible bottom line impact. Randy helps cut through the complexity to set the vision, foundation, and reporting plans for clients to achieve environmental goals such as Net Zero while being the trusted sustainability expert on related energy emissions reduction projects.
Relevant Experience
• Assisted a global REIT with the GHG re baseline of their portfolio triggered by two acquisitions. Guided the client on real estate nuances and impact on reporting in alignment with GHG Protocol and other widely accepted standards
• Helped a global asset management firm with $30B+ in AUM with designing their rooftop solar strategy, tenant engagement, and implementation
• Guided a global PE and investment firm with maturing their ESG due diligence and tracking processes for multiple lines of their business
• CEO of national energy efficiency and sustainability firm supporting 1,500 clients across 48 states with a cumulative savings of more than $5 billion
• Established program for large campus client to save $5 million in annual energy expenses through building analytics,engineering, scheduling/setbacks and occupant engagement. This effort
• Achieved WELL Health & Safety Rating for 72 US properties of global professional services firm
• Guided clients to achieve recognition through EPA ENERGY STAR Partner of Year and Department of Energy Better Buildings Goal Achiever
• Author and speaker on topics of energy management, sustainability, indoor air quality and change management
Education & Credentials
• Southern Methodist University – Doctorate in Engineering
• Marquette University – M.B.A.
• Professional Engineer
• Certified Energy Manager
• Certified Measurement & Verification Professional

Alain Aoun
Alain Aounreceived, a PhD in Energy Engineering from the University of Quebec, an MSc inIndustrial and Power Engineering, and ME in Electrical Engineering andRenewable Energies.
Alain isan international expert in the fields of energy, digital transformation, andblockchain.As the Managing Director of Alain Aoun & Partners, he specializes inelectrical, energy, and lighting engineering, providing valuable expertise tovarious projects. Additionally, as the Co-Founder and COO of Blockchain Leaders,he spearheads innovative solutions in the realm of blockchain consultancy andresearch.
Alain's dedication to the energy sector extends beyond his professionalendeavors. He serves as the Assistant Director for Student Affairs andPresident of the Lebanese Chapter at the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).Recognized for his contributions, he was awarded the MENA Region EnergyEngineer of the Year in 2018.With his extensive knowledge and expertise, Alain is an accredited trainer forvarious energy courses, including CEM, CBCP, CEA, CMVP, and CLEP. Hiscertifications from AEE, such as CEM®, BEP®, CBCP®, CEA®, REP®, CMVP®, CLEP®,PCF®, and CAP®, further solidify his expertise in the field.With 15 years of experience, Alain Aoun is an engineering consultant,trainer, entrepreneur, and expert in blockchain, energy, and digitaltransformation.

Albert Williams
Albert is a freelance independent energy engineer who has instructed over180 training courses on Energy Management, Energy Auditing, Pump-, andCompressed Air -Systems. He has 18 years' experience, has conducted over 220energy audits (incl. 90 compressed air audits), and has travelled and worked inover 40 countries.He has contributing in developing the CEM®, CEA™, CIEP™ (lead developer), and20 other energy training courses. He is a training instructor for the AEE®,UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), IEPA in Sub-SaharanAfrica, Econoler in Canada, a few organizations in the Middle-East, theBalkans, Denmark, South Asia, and most recently, the World Bank.
Albert is the author of the "Industrial Energy SystemsHandbook", he has won various international energy engineering awards, heholds 4 UNIDO qualifications, 9 AEE® certifications, he serves on the GlobalGuidance Committee of the AEE®, and he is an AEE® lifetime member.
Program Agenda
This program is designed to benefit a broad base of attendees. Dr. Woodroof & guest speakers will cover topics that are most current and relevant to CEMs. The content for this seminar varies each year.
This course is updated annually across a wide range of topics, including:
- Energy Management Technologies, Strategies, Best Practices, and Global Trends.
- New Regulations and Updates that could affect your organization.
- Funding Mechanisms, Rebates, and Tax Benefits & How to Get Your Projects Approved.
- Most of these ideas can be deployed world-wide.
Hot Topics for 2023:
- “Extremely Valuable 2023 Tax Benefits and HOW to get them”, (179d, NEW Renewable Energy Bonuses) – Eric Woodroof, USA
- “AI Workshop– Chat GPT Meets Energy Management” -John Puskar, USA
- “Updates from the US Dept. of Energy on new Programs, Software and Resources” – Thomas Wenning, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- “Updated Digital tools to improve your efficiency & capabilities as CEM” -John Puskar, USA
- “What you need to know about Blockchain, especially in Energy Performance Contracting” -Alain Aoun, Canada
- “Updates on M&V” – Steve Kromer, California
- "Real Estate Sustainability: Value Creation & Tenant Retention Strategies for CEMs" - Randy Hoff, USA
- “Innovation in Industrial Fans, Pumps and Compressed Air Systems” -Albert Williams, South Africa
- “An Overview of new 2023 CEM Workbook” (in color)
- Includes updated tables for calculating savings
- "Highlights" of key new CEM materials (helps you better estimate savings)
- New Tables in Imperial Units and System International Units
Technical Updates and Case Studies on:
- ROIs on Renewables (with new detail on Solar and Geothermal advances)
- Electric Vehicles, Chargers and Infrastructure
- HVAC Tech (Variable refrigerant flow, Phase Change Materials, Chilled Beams, and Condensing Boilers; ECM Motors Advancements)
- “Dynamic” Demand-Side Management and Utility Rebates
- Case Studies on how to Maximize Benefits of Battery Storage
- New Lighting Updates and Possibilities
- Funny Energy Fails
- Other new Technologies
- Updated sample CEM problems and solutions