50001 CP Training Program
Gaining a wide-reaching and industry-recognized 50001 certification is a personal and financial investment. Individuals report career improvements in the form of salary and responsibility increases. This certification shows that individuals have a fundamental understanding of the profession and a commitment to the highest standards of quality. Companies, organizations, and consultancies with 50001 CP’s on-staff often see a higher affinity with their customers because they understand their customer’s requirements and are trusted subject matter experts.
About This Program
The certification program offers the opportunity to tease out the nuances of the standard and get to fully understand how the EnMS can be operated in an organization to drive energy efficiencies, const improvements and emissions reductions but without the bureaucracy typically associated with management systems. It offers an opportunity to engage with your peers and discuss approaches, what works and what causes issues, and gives the opportunity to learn from people with decades of experience in energy management systems.
What You Will Learn
- A full understanding of the requirements of the energy management standard.
- How to assess the requirements of an organization implementing an EnMS.
- Understand the multiple ways in which the requirements of the EnMS Standard can be complied with, but also how to differentiate between an approach that will “tick the box” for compliance purposes, and an approach that will deliver improvement for the organization.
- How to audit an organizations Energy management system for compliance but also effectiveness.
Who Should Attend
The ISO 50001 Certified Professional (50001 CP) is an individual that can implement 50001 in a competent, practical, and professional manner within an organization where they have the technical knowledge to apply it. 50001 CP’s demonstrate competency in the following areas that are included in the 50001 CP Body of Knowledge to gain certification: personal, general understanding, management systems, analysis, technical Analysis and technical.
Course Outline
- Learn energy management from a global perspective, but also understand applicable codes, standards, and policies for your region or country.
- Learn how systems and energy-saving technologies can be used throughout a building, such as HVAC, lighting, motors, boilers, energy storage, CHP, etc.
- Learn how energy management strategies and practices, such as energy audits or M&V, can help identify energy savings and reduce costs.
- Understand the economic aspects of energy management that you need to know for procurement, supply, and project financing.
Our Instructors
This multi-day program is taught by approved instructors with extensive experience with implementing, managing and auditing Energy Management Systems using 50001. They present the latest practices, strategies, and theories, while leading discussions in an open, interactive environment. Through the design of the course, attendees will also spend invaluable time connecting with and learning from other program attendees.
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- This training program prepares attendees to take the 50001 CP exam.
- This program is held over 4 days.
- You earn 3 CEU | 30 PDH | 6 AEE Credits for completing this program.
Key Takeaways
- A comprehensive set of reference notes
Certification Eligiblity
This training program prepares attendees to take the 50001 CP exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a 50001 CP page.