Upcoming CEA Training Seminars in the US

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9 Results

  • Contains 18 Component(s), Includes Credits

    On-Demand | 2.7 CEU

    Course Information


    2.7 CEU

    Course Description

    The Certified Energy Auditor On-Demand Training Program offers the full-length version of the CEA program (27+ training hours), through pre-recorded sessions from multiple instructors. Participants will also receive an electronic copy of the workbook to prepare for their exam.

    Presented in a way that has a “live” feel the instructors teach participants how to prepare for, conduct a site visit, identify EEMs (Energy Efficiency Measures), quantify the impacts (savings), and present the results in a way that will lead to improvements in their client’s buildings.  The instructors fill the course with examples and experiences that tie the material to the real world, and make the connections between the information presented and how to effectively use it as a professional.  When used as a certification exam preparation tool, the on-demand program prepares participants for the CEA exam.


    The instructors have a unique blend of both real-world energy auditing and teaching experience.  They each have 35+ years conducting energy audits of the full range of facilities.  These range from A & B class commercial buildings, institutional (hospital, university, nursing homes, …), educational (k-12), governmental, industrial, multifamily, retail, …   

    Each of these instructors have personally taught thousands of individuals.  They have over 30 years teaching people not just the technical details they’ll need to know, but how to apply that information to be effective utilizing it.

    Who is the CEA On-Demand Program For?

    The short answer is anyone that is focused and committed to a self-study learning format. Professionals interested in, or actively undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects will gain the most. But it is also useful for entry-level candidates or individuals that interact with energy professionals during their daily work. 

    Monthly Live Q&A

    While taking the on-demand CEA course you can attend a once-a-month live 1-hour Zoom Q&A session during which one of the instructors will answer questions. 

    What You Will Learn

    • Gain the knowledge and confidence it takes to effectively apply state-of-the-art practices of energy auditing to identify Energy Efficiency Measure opportunities, and to assist buildings achieve control over their energy usage, emissions and costs.
    • Become familiar with the current industry standards for energy auditing.
    • Learn how systems are intended to operate throughout a building, such as HVAC, lighting, motors, boilers, and controls, etc.
    • Understand the economic aspects of energy efficiency measures that Energy Auditor’s identify and learn how to present these opportunities in financial terms that will increase the likelihood of projects being approved for implementation.
    • Learn to apply techniques to use in the real world that increase your ability to identify many of the opportunities often overlooked by less experience Energy Auditors.
    • Learn the craft from instructors with over 35 years each of auditing experience in countless buildings of all types.

    Rich Costello, PE, CEM, CEA


    Mr. Costello is the President of Acela Energy Group, an energy consulting group specializing in energy procurement, load management, as well as, energy conservation training, auditing, and on-site wind & solar generation projects. Rich has extensive experience in the fields of load management, utility services, energy conservation, as well as power, natural gas, and tariff related negotiations and agreements. 

    Mr. Costello is also President of Acela Thermal Energy (ATE), a Refrigeration and HVAC energy service division of Acela Energy Group specializing in mechanical & thermal energy conservation measures as well as implementation of Ecopilot AI on building HVAC Control Systems. ATE provides energy services to Commercial, Governmental, Retail, Institutional, and Industrial Customers, as well as ESCO’s and Utilities across the country.

    Rich is a registered professional engineer and was previously the Power Supply Manager for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, as well as a Senior Engineer in the Load Management Department of Boston Edison (Eversource). He holds a M.S. in Engineering Management from Western New England College and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University.  Mr. Costello also conducts the following Energy Certification Courses nationwide for the Association of Energy Engineers: CEM, CEA, BEP, & CEP. Rich was the International President of the Association for the Year 2000 and received the 2003 Energy Professional of the Year Award from the organization.  In 2006, Richard was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame.

    Fredric Goldner, CEM, CEA


    Fred has over 30 years' experience and is a nationally recognized expert in the field of energy auditing and management. He is currently involved in a wide variety of projects, including facility audits, use analyses, research, and energy master planning and program design. He is a nationally recognized expert in the area of energy auditing and management and has lead audits and audit teams for hundreds of facilities totaling tens of millions square feet. Over eight years, he conducted extensive research in the area of multifamily building DHW loads and systems. As a result, he authored a new set of DHW sizing guidelines included in the ASHRAE Handbook and the ASPE DWH Design Manual. He is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Energy Policy & Research at NYIT. Over the past thirty years, Fred has taught over 13,000 professionals and trade persons across the globe, in addition to co-authoring several publications and books, including ASHRAE's Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers. Fred served as International President of AEE in 2003, has received many awards for his work, and was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame in 2007 for his lifetime of achievement in promoting the practices and principles of Energy Management.

    Fred sits on numerous engineering, and industry committees and boards, including AEEs Certified Energy Manager Board and is one of the authors of the recently released ASHRAE Energy Audit Standard. Fred also remains an active member of the New York Chapter AEE Board of Directors. Visit emra.com to learn more.

    How to Register:

    1. Click the "Register" button.
    2. You may be prompted to login if you have not already done so.
    3. Complete the registration information requested and submit payment. 

    What to Expect After Registering:

    1. You will receive a registration confirmation email.
    2. You will also receive notification once you have been enrolled into the On-Demand course.
    3. Once enrolled, you can access the course in the "Dashboard." Return to AEE Education, log in and go to "My Dashboard." You will see your on-demand course here. Go to My Learning Path to launch your session.

    Certification Application and Exam Registration

    1. This registration is just for the training program. You must register and pay for the certification application and exam separately.
    2. For details on completing your CEA Certification application and submitting your exam fee, please visit the CEA Certification page (https://www.aeecenter.org/certified-energy-auditor/).

    International Participants

    This program is designed for US attendees only. Contact your local training provider for programs available in your region.

    Transfer Policy

    Not applicable.

    Cancellation Policy

    Not applicable.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Join your instructors for a live Q&A session the first Friday at 12:00pm EST of every month.


    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

  • Contains 8 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 04/28/2025 at 8:00 AM (PDT)

    Bellevue, WA | April 28-May 2, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    April 28-May 2, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    The Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) Training Program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 2 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Path" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    All registration and course materials will be given to attendees at sign-in on day 1 at the training location. Workbooks will not be pre-shipped to in-person attendees.

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan

    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Clint Christenson


    Clint is currently a consultant and instructor providing optimization services for industrial, commercial and institutional customers. He previously served as Senior Buildings Engineer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Senior Energy Engineer with NORESCO, Inc., the Director of Advanced Solutions for Johnson Controls, Inc., and Director of Oklahoma State University's Industrial Assessment Center. Throughout his 25 year career in energy management, Clint has conducted over 150 industrial, commercial, and institutional energy surveys. He is also widely published in the energy field and has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences.

    Fredric Goldner, CEM, CEA


    Fred has over 30 years' experience and is a nationally recognized expert in the field of energy auditing and management. He is currently involved in a wide variety of projects, including facility audits, use analyses, research, and energy master planning and program design. He is a nationally recognized expert in the area of energy auditing and management and has lead audits and audit teams for hundreds of facilities totaling tens of millions square feet. Over eight years, he conducted extensive research in the area of multifamily building DHW loads and systems. As a result, he authored a new set of DHW sizing guidelines included in the ASHRAE Handbook and the ASPE DWH Design Manual. He is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Energy Policy & Research at NYIT. Over the past thirty years, Fred has taught over 13,000 professionals and trade persons across the globe, in addition to co-authoring several publications and books, including ASHRAE's Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers. Fred served as International President of AEE in 2003, has received many awards for his work, and was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame in 2007 for his lifetime of achievement in promoting the practices and principles of Energy Management.

    Fred sits on numerous engineering, and industry committees and boards, including AEEs Certified Energy Manager Board and is one of the authors of the recently released ASHRAE Energy Audit Standard. Fred also remains an active member of the New York Chapter AEE Board of Directors. Visit emra.com to learn more.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 04/17/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 05/19/2025 at 10:00 AM (EDT)

    May 19-22, 2025 | 3.2 CEU

    Course Information

    May 19-22, 2025
    3.2 CEU
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    This training program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 4 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Schedule" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    Please verify accuracy of your shipping address during registration.  Workbooks cannot be delivered to PO Boxes, and any changes to your address after your workbook has been shipped will have an associated fee attached. Shipping is only available within the 48 contiguous states (plus Washington DC), workbooks are expected to arrive at the address provided during registration within 14 days of the course start date. 

     If you have already registered for this training and need to update your address, send an email to training@aeecenter.org with your revised address details. 

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Fredric Goldner, CEM, CEA


    Fred has over 30 years' experience and is a nationally recognized expert in the field of energy auditing and management. He is currently involved in a wide variety of projects, including facility audits, use analyses, research, and energy master planning and program design. He is a nationally recognized expert in the area of energy auditing and management and has lead audits and audit teams for hundreds of facilities totaling tens of millions square feet. Over eight years, he conducted extensive research in the area of multifamily building DHW loads and systems. As a result, he authored a new set of DHW sizing guidelines included in the ASHRAE Handbook and the ASPE DWH Design Manual. He is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Energy Policy & Research at NYIT. Over the past thirty years, Fred has taught over 13,000 professionals and trade persons across the globe, in addition to co-authoring several publications and books, including ASHRAE's Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers. Fred served as International President of AEE in 2003, has received many awards for his work, and was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame in 2007 for his lifetime of achievement in promoting the practices and principles of Energy Management.

    Fred sits on numerous engineering, and industry committees and boards, including AEEs Certified Energy Manager Board and is one of the authors of the recently released ASHRAE Energy Audit Standard. Fred also remains an active member of the New York Chapter AEE Board of Directors. Visit emra.com to learn more.

    Clint Christenson


    Clint is currently a consultant and instructor providing optimization services for industrial, commercial and institutional customers. He previously served as Senior Buildings Engineer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Senior Energy Engineer with NORESCO, Inc., the Director of Advanced Solutions for Johnson Controls, Inc., and Director of Oklahoma State University's Industrial Assessment Center. Throughout his 25 year career in energy management, Clint has conducted over 150 industrial, commercial, and institutional energy surveys. He is also widely published in the energy field and has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 05/08/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 8 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 06/23/2025 at 8:00 AM (EDT)

    Cleveland, OH | June 23-27, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland
    300 W Lakeside Ave,
    Cleveland, OH 44113
    June 23-27, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    The Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) Training Program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 2 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Path" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    All registration and course materials will be given to attendees at sign-in on day 1 at the training location. Workbooks will not be pre-shipped to in-person attendees.

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan

    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Fredric Goldner, CEM, CEA


    Fred has over 30 years' experience and is a nationally recognized expert in the field of energy auditing and management. He is currently involved in a wide variety of projects, including facility audits, use analyses, research, and energy master planning and program design. He is a nationally recognized expert in the area of energy auditing and management and has lead audits and audit teams for hundreds of facilities totaling tens of millions square feet. Over eight years, he conducted extensive research in the area of multifamily building DHW loads and systems. As a result, he authored a new set of DHW sizing guidelines included in the ASHRAE Handbook and the ASPE DWH Design Manual. He is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Energy Policy & Research at NYIT. Over the past thirty years, Fred has taught over 13,000 professionals and trade persons across the globe, in addition to co-authoring several publications and books, including ASHRAE's Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers. Fred served as International President of AEE in 2003, has received many awards for his work, and was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame in 2007 for his lifetime of achievement in promoting the practices and principles of Energy Management.

    Fred sits on numerous engineering, and industry committees and boards, including AEEs Certified Energy Manager Board and is one of the authors of the recently released ASHRAE Energy Audit Standard. Fred also remains an active member of the New York Chapter AEE Board of Directors. Visit emra.com to learn more.

    Clint Christenson


    Clint is currently a consultant and instructor providing optimization services for industrial, commercial and institutional customers. He previously served as Senior Buildings Engineer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Senior Energy Engineer with NORESCO, Inc., the Director of Advanced Solutions for Johnson Controls, Inc., and Director of Oklahoma State University's Industrial Assessment Center. Throughout his 25 year career in energy management, Clint has conducted over 150 industrial, commercial, and institutional energy surveys. He is also widely published in the energy field and has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 06/12/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 08/25/2025 at 8:00 AM (EDT)

    August 25-28, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    August 25-28, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    This training program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 4 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Schedule" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    Please verify accuracy of your shipping address during registration.  Workbooks cannot be delivered to PO Boxes, and any changes to your address after your workbook has been shipped will have an associated fee attached. Shipping is only available within the 48 contiguous states (plus Washington DC), workbooks are expected to arrive at the address provided during registration within 14 days of the course start date. 

     If you have already registered for this training and need to update your address, send an email to training@aeecenter.org with your revised address details. 

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Rich Costello, PE, CEM, CEA


    Mr. Costello is the President of Acela Energy Group, an energy consulting group specializing in energy procurement, load management, as well as, energy conservation training, auditing, and on-site wind & solar generation projects. Rich has extensive experience in the fields of load management, utility services, energy conservation, as well as power, natural gas, and tariff related negotiations and agreements. 

    Mr. Costello is also President of Acela Thermal Energy (ATE), a Refrigeration and HVAC energy service division of Acela Energy Group specializing in mechanical & thermal energy conservation measures as well as implementation of Ecopilot AI on building HVAC Control Systems. ATE provides energy services to Commercial, Governmental, Retail, Institutional, and Industrial Customers, as well as ESCO’s and Utilities across the country.

    Rich is a registered professional engineer and was previously the Power Supply Manager for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, as well as a Senior Engineer in the Load Management Department of Boston Edison (Eversource). He holds a M.S. in Engineering Management from Western New England College and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University.  Mr. Costello also conducts the following Energy Certification Courses nationwide for the Association of Energy Engineers: CEM, CEA, BEP, & CEP. Rich was the International President of the Association for the Year 2000 and received the 2003 Energy Professional of the Year Award from the organization.  In 2006, Richard was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame.

    Clint Christenson


    Clint is currently a consultant and instructor providing optimization services for industrial, commercial and institutional customers. He previously served as Senior Buildings Engineer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Senior Energy Engineer with NORESCO, Inc., the Director of Advanced Solutions for Johnson Controls, Inc., and Director of Oklahoma State University's Industrial Assessment Center. Throughout his 25 year career in energy management, Clint has conducted over 150 industrial, commercial, and institutional energy surveys. He is also widely published in the energy field and has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 08/14/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 8 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 09/15/2025 at 8:00 AM (EDT)

    Atlanta, GA | September 15-18, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    Georgia World Congress Center
    285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW,
    Atlanta, GA 30313
    September 15-18, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    The Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) Training Program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 2 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Path" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    All registration and course materials will be given to attendees at sign-in on day 1 at the training location. Workbooks will not be pre-shipped to in-person attendees.

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan

    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 09/04/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 10/13/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)

    October 13-16, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    October 13-16, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    This training program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 4 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Schedule" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    Please verify accuracy of your shipping address during registration.  Workbooks cannot be delivered to PO Boxes, and any changes to your address after your workbook has been shipped will have an associated fee attached. Shipping is only available within the 48 contiguous states (plus Washington DC), workbooks are expected to arrive at the address provided during registration within 14 days of the course start date. 

     If you have already registered for this training and need to update your address, send an email to training@aeecenter.org with your revised address details. 

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Fredric Goldner, CEM, CEA


    Fred has over 30 years' experience and is a nationally recognized expert in the field of energy auditing and management. He is currently involved in a wide variety of projects, including facility audits, use analyses, research, and energy master planning and program design. He is a nationally recognized expert in the area of energy auditing and management and has lead audits and audit teams for hundreds of facilities totaling tens of millions square feet. Over eight years, he conducted extensive research in the area of multifamily building DHW loads and systems. As a result, he authored a new set of DHW sizing guidelines included in the ASHRAE Handbook and the ASPE DWH Design Manual. He is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Energy Policy & Research at NYIT. Over the past thirty years, Fred has taught over 13,000 professionals and trade persons across the globe, in addition to co-authoring several publications and books, including ASHRAE's Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers. Fred served as International President of AEE in 2003, has received many awards for his work, and was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame in 2007 for his lifetime of achievement in promoting the practices and principles of Energy Management.

    Fred sits on numerous engineering, and industry committees and boards, including AEEs Certified Energy Manager Board and is one of the authors of the recently released ASHRAE Energy Audit Standard. Fred also remains an active member of the New York Chapter AEE Board of Directors. Visit emra.com to learn more.

    Clint Christenson


    Clint is currently a consultant and instructor providing optimization services for industrial, commercial and institutional customers. He previously served as Senior Buildings Engineer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Senior Energy Engineer with NORESCO, Inc., the Director of Advanced Solutions for Johnson Controls, Inc., and Director of Oklahoma State University's Industrial Assessment Center. Throughout his 25 year career in energy management, Clint has conducted over 150 industrial, commercial, and institutional energy surveys. He is also widely published in the energy field and has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 10/02/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 8 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 11/17/2025 at 8:00 AM (EST)

    Boston, MA | November 17-20, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    November 17-20, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    The Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) Training Program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 2 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Path" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    All registration and course materials will be given to attendees at sign-in on day 1 at the training location. Workbooks will not be pre-shipped to in-person attendees.

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan

    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Rich Costello, PE, CEM, CEA


    Mr. Costello is the President of Acela Energy Group, an energy consulting group specializing in energy procurement, load management, as well as, energy conservation training, auditing, and on-site wind & solar generation projects. Rich has extensive experience in the fields of load management, utility services, energy conservation, as well as power, natural gas, and tariff related negotiations and agreements. 

    Mr. Costello is also President of Acela Thermal Energy (ATE), a Refrigeration and HVAC energy service division of Acela Energy Group specializing in mechanical & thermal energy conservation measures as well as implementation of Ecopilot AI on building HVAC Control Systems. ATE provides energy services to Commercial, Governmental, Retail, Institutional, and Industrial Customers, as well as ESCO’s and Utilities across the country.

    Rich is a registered professional engineer and was previously the Power Supply Manager for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, as well as a Senior Engineer in the Load Management Department of Boston Edison (Eversource). He holds a M.S. in Engineering Management from Western New England College and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University.  Mr. Costello also conducts the following Energy Certification Courses nationwide for the Association of Energy Engineers: CEM, CEA, BEP, & CEP. Rich was the International President of the Association for the Year 2000 and received the 2003 Energy Professional of the Year Award from the organization.  In 2006, Richard was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame.

    Fredric Goldner, CEM, CEA


    Fred has over 30 years' experience and is a nationally recognized expert in the field of energy auditing and management. He is currently involved in a wide variety of projects, including facility audits, use analyses, research, and energy master planning and program design. He is a nationally recognized expert in the area of energy auditing and management and has lead audits and audit teams for hundreds of facilities totaling tens of millions square feet. Over eight years, he conducted extensive research in the area of multifamily building DHW loads and systems. As a result, he authored a new set of DHW sizing guidelines included in the ASHRAE Handbook and the ASPE DWH Design Manual. He is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Energy Policy & Research at NYIT. Over the past thirty years, Fred has taught over 13,000 professionals and trade persons across the globe, in addition to co-authoring several publications and books, including ASHRAE's Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers. Fred served as International President of AEE in 2003, has received many awards for his work, and was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame in 2007 for his lifetime of achievement in promoting the practices and principles of Energy Management.

    Fred sits on numerous engineering, and industry committees and boards, including AEEs Certified Energy Manager Board and is one of the authors of the recently released ASHRAE Energy Audit Standard. Fred also remains an active member of the New York Chapter AEE Board of Directors. Visit emra.com to learn more.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 11/06/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information
  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 12/01/2025 at 8:00 AM (EST)

    December 1-4, 2025 | 3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits

    Course Information

    December 1-4, 2025
    3.2 CEU | 32 PDH | 6.4 AEE Credits
    Ends at 11:59 PM EST 8 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,345

    AEE Member  | $2,100

    Late Registration
    Begins 12:00 AM EST 7 business days prior to training start.

    Non-Member  | $2,445

    AEE Member  | $2,200

    Registration closes 2 business days prior to training start or if course reaches capacity.

    Course Description

    This training program is designed to provide attendees an in-depth and technical review of energy auditing, including water usage in a facility. Over four days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value.

    Who Should Attend

    The program is of greatest value to those undertaking or assessing energy auditing projects. Obtaining AEE’s CEA certification provides international credibility among energy management, sustainable and clean energy communities. Attendees of this program have included existing energy professionals, energy engineers, energy managers, facilities managers, and energy consultants.


    Daily Breaks Days 1 - 4 : AM Break (15 min) | Lunch Break (1 hr) | PM Break (15 min)

    Please see the "My Learning Schedule" tab for schedule information.

    *Remote exams are scheduled on an individual basis. See Certification Program tab for additional instructions.


    Please verify accuracy of your shipping address during registration.  Workbooks cannot be delivered to PO Boxes, and any changes to your address after your workbook has been shipped will have an associated fee attached. Shipping is only available within the 48 contiguous states (plus Washington DC), workbooks are expected to arrive at the address provided during registration within 14 days of the course start date. 

     If you have already registered for this training and need to update your address, send an email to training@aeecenter.org with your revised address details. 

    Section 1: Developing an Energy Audit Strategy and Plan
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the goal of Energy Audits
      • The major steps in the Energy Audit process
      • The different audit levels
    • Ability to: 
      • Plan for a successful audit
      • Communicate the results of the Energy Audit effectively to the client
    Section 2: Energy Use Analysis
    • Awareness of: 
      • Energy forms and energy unit's conversion
      • Energy rate structure and benchmarking
    • Ability to:
      • Analyze energy consumption for a facility
      • Establish an energy balance for a facility
      • Establish a consumption baseline and adjusting the baseline
    Section 3: Data Collection and Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • The importance of data in energy auditing process
      • The different techniques to measure and analyze data
    • Ability to:
      • Define the necessary information to collect before and during the field visit
      • Analyze the collected data to turn data into information
      • Obtain an understanding of what is really driving energy consumption
    Section 4: Economic Analysis
    • Awareness of:
      • Methodologies and tools to analyze and decide on investment projects regardless of their nature; notwithstanding, the main focus will be on energy efficiency projects
    • Ability to: 
      • Understand the need for economic analysis and the importance of life cycle costing to assess an energy efficiency project
      • Identify which cash flows (revenue and costs) should be included in the analysis
      • Apply investment decision rules such as: Simple Payback Period (SPP), Simple Return on Investment (SRI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Saving to Investment Ration (SIR)
      • Use Interest Tables and construct formulas in Excel for various financial calculations
      • Conduct Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Free Cash Flow (FCF) analysis for energy efficiency projects
      • Perform a what-if analysis to understand the potential impact on the key financial indicators
    Section 5: Lighting Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Concepts and characteristics of energy-effective lighting design
    • Ability to:
      • Identify typical lighting energy conservation opportunities
      • Demonstrate lighting economics calculations and relationships
    Section 6 - HVAC Systems
    • Awareness of:
      • Types and functions of HVAC systems and equipment: Chillers, Cooling Towers, Adiabatic Fluid Coolers, Pumps, Water Distribution, Condensing Water, Waterside Economizers, VRF, Split and Unitary, AHUs, Heat pipe, Heat recovery, Fans, In-Room Terminal
      • Vapor Compression Cycle and HVAC efficiencies (COP, EER)
      • Piping arrangements for chilled water and or refrigerant systems
      • Psychrometric processes
      • ASHRAE 62, Outdoor Economizers, Demand Control Ventilation, and Filtration Systems and Standards
    • Ability to:
      • Identify energy efficiency measures (EEMs)
      • Evaluate O&M characteristics and opportunities
      • Calculate energy savings
      • Investigate the existing system and determine the opportunities to improve performance
    Section 7: Domestic Hot Water and Water Conservation
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand how DHW/SHW is produced, distributed and utilized
      • Know the efficiency improvement opportunities available in DHW/SHW systems
    • Ability to:
      • Identify potential EEMs
      • Compute impacts of the EEMs
    Section 8: Motors, VFDs, and Compressors
    • Awareness of: 
      • Electrical Fundamentals
      • Types of Motors
      • Energy Savings Measures for Motors
      • What is Power Factor and why does it matter?
      • Value of Variable Speed Drives (VFDs)
      • Types of Air Compressors and Energy Savings Opportunities
    • Ability to:
      • Determine the appropriate energy strategy for motors and compressors
      • Calculate energy savings amounts
    Section 9: Building Envelope
    • Awareness of:
      • Building Envelope terminology
      • Heat transfer mechanisms
      • Sources of heat loss/gain that affect buildings heating and cooling loads
    • Ability to:
      • Calculate heat loss/gain through walls
      • Find and calculate R and U values
      • Calculate seasonal heat loss/gain through a building
    Section 10: Building Automation and Energy Management Systems
    • Ability to:
      • Distinguish and classify automation and control systems
      • Investigate the systems operation
      • Recommend performance improvements
    Section 11: Alternative Generation and Energy Storage
    • Awareness of:
      • Understand the various alternative energy generation technologies available for behind-the-meter applications
      • Be knowledgeable with regards to the various methods to store energy, and where an Energy Auditor may suggest such a system
    • Ability to:
      • Determine overall opportunity for alternative methods to generation and storage
    Section 12: Energy in Transport
    • Awareness of:
      • Types of transport
      • Energy consumption, cost and efficiency
      • Improvements in systems
    • Ability to:
      • Evaluate transport system performance and efficiency
      • Discuss and recommend a transport energy strategy

    Rich Costello, PE, CEM, CEA


    Mr. Costello is the President of Acela Energy Group, an energy consulting group specializing in energy procurement, load management, as well as, energy conservation training, auditing, and on-site wind & solar generation projects. Rich has extensive experience in the fields of load management, utility services, energy conservation, as well as power, natural gas, and tariff related negotiations and agreements. 

    Mr. Costello is also President of Acela Thermal Energy (ATE), a Refrigeration and HVAC energy service division of Acela Energy Group specializing in mechanical & thermal energy conservation measures as well as implementation of Ecopilot AI on building HVAC Control Systems. ATE provides energy services to Commercial, Governmental, Retail, Institutional, and Industrial Customers, as well as ESCO’s and Utilities across the country.

    Rich is a registered professional engineer and was previously the Power Supply Manager for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, as well as a Senior Engineer in the Load Management Department of Boston Edison (Eversource). He holds a M.S. in Engineering Management from Western New England College and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University.  Mr. Costello also conducts the following Energy Certification Courses nationwide for the Association of Energy Engineers: CEM, CEA, BEP, & CEP. Rich was the International President of the Association for the Year 2000 and received the 2003 Energy Professional of the Year Award from the organization.  In 2006, Richard was inducted into the Energy Managers Hall of Fame.

    Clint Christenson


    Clint is currently a consultant and instructor providing optimization services for industrial, commercial and institutional customers. He previously served as Senior Buildings Engineer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Senior Energy Engineer with NORESCO, Inc., the Director of Advanced Solutions for Johnson Controls, Inc., and Director of Oklahoma State University's Industrial Assessment Center. Throughout his 25 year career in energy management, Clint has conducted over 150 industrial, commercial, and institutional energy surveys. He is also widely published in the energy field and has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences.

    Certification Program

    This training program prepares attendees to take the Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) exam. Please review the requirements for certification on the Becoming a CEA page. A separate certification and application fee applies.

    Registering for the training does NOT register you for the certification exam. To take the exam, you must register for the exam and pay a separate fee. Attendees are encouraged to complete a certification application 4 weeks prior to taking the exam.

    After you submit the certification application, you will receive an email confirmation letter from AEE within 4-weeks. Any additional questions about the CEA exam, certification eligibility, scheduling, or the application process can be directed to our CEA Certification Director, Francine Seskin, francine@aeecenter.org.

    For additional information, visit the links below.

    Reference Books 

    The following books are suggested reference books and printed copies are available through the AEE Bookstore. AEE members receive an 15% discount on printed books. Reference books are not required and are intended to help prepare for a training course and exam. 

    Digital copies of these books are available through the AEE eLibrary, which is a great resource for accessing searchable content as well as highlighting and taking notes. The eLibrary is available to AEE members for the low discounted price of $35 per year. Digital books cannot be printed or accessed during the certification exam.

    If you’re an AEE member, add the eLibrary subscription to your membership here.

    If you’re not a member, join AEE here and add the eLibrary subscription to your membership. 

    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Handbook of Energy Audits, Ninth Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook, Third Edition
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport
    A 'Light' Guide to Energy Savings in Transport

    Public Training Program Participant Transfer & Cancellation Policy 

    The following terms and conditions apply to Participants who register for training programs with the Association of Energy Engineers, Inc. (AEE).  All requests for transfers, substitutions, or cancellations must be submitted via email to the Training Department at training@aeecenter.org; by registering for a course, you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Transfer Policy

    In-Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registration fees can be transferred to another public course offering, or
    • Registration can be substituted with another person who is interested in taking the course; any cost increased differences plus associated transfer fees must be paid for by the registrant -- AEE will not refund fee transfer cost differentials.
    • Transfer options expire one year from the original registration order date.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer after the course start date must submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance – including first day no show.  All documentation will be evaluated and the decision will be communicated in writing.
    • Registrants who fail to provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, are ineligible for a refund or transfer.
    • Registrants who request a refund or transfer before the course start date must submit email request at training@aeecenter.org 14 days before the course’s start date.
    • There is a $200 transfer fee.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are not eligible to transfer out of the on-demand course and into another.

    Cancellation Policy

    In Person OR Virtual OR Online
    • Registrants who cancel 21 days or more before the start date are eligible for a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee.
    • Registrants who cancel 20 days or less before the start date, or who are no-shows are ineligible for a refund.
    • Registrants who enroll in on-demand courses are ineligible to receive a refund or cancel their registration.

    If there are changes to a training program that are outside of AEE’s control (including, but not limited to, instructor illness, acts of terrorism, acts of God, war, civil disturbances, declaration of national emergency, accidents or labor disputes, fire, flood, storms etc.), participants will be notified as soon as possible, and AEE’s liability will be limited to the reimbursement of the training program registration fee. 

    Updated January 6, 2025

    • Register
      • Early bird pricing available!
      • Non-member - $2,345
      • Member - $2,100
      • Regular Price after 11/20/2025 12:00 AM
      • Non-member - $2,445
      • Member - $2,200
    • More Information